Dear God, the work Thou gavest me to do
Is mine alone—none other may perform,
Or ever know its plan.
And if I do it not today, it stands a barrier
O'er which I cannot pass until the task is done
And Thou be satisfied.
Unstop mine ears, I pray, that I may hear
And humbly feed upon Thy precious Word;
Open mine eyes that I may see revealed
The guardian presence of Thine angel host;
Let silence reign ere wisdom bids me speak;
Let charity a brother's frailness hide,
And, lest the crooked paths my feet would tread
Might turn another from the upward way
To seek in mortal sense his happiness,
Keep Thou Thy touch upon mine hand and guide
Each faltering step until I see Thy finished work
Reflected here and everywhere and cease
From misty contemplation of an Eden lost
To find man's blest abode unchanged
And man unfallen, pure, upright, and free,
Forever a beloved son of God.
From the July 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal