Built as a testimonial of gratitude for Christian Science and the power of its published word stands the new Christian Science Publishing House, an imposing structure erected during a period of excessive financial stringency. Thousands of Christian Scientists throughout the world welcomed the project as an added opportunity to prove the ever-availability of God's illimitable bounty. Indeed, it was generally considered a privilege to contribute to the Building Fund, and thus express gratitude for healed bodies and regenerated lives, gratitude for being able to answer affirmatively the three questions which form the opening lines of the "Communion Hymn," written by Mary Baker Eddy (Poems, p. 75):
"Saw ye my Saviour? Heard ye the glad
Felt ye the power of the Word?"
Christian Science proclaims "the power of the Word," and deep gratitude is felt that is being published abroad in ever-increasing volume to bless and heal mankind.