To one who has been raised in Christian Science, and who therefore has had little to overcome in the way of physical disabilities, it may have seemed hard to become cognizant of the value of this wonderful privilege. However, it is my desire to express daily my gratitude for Science, and to pattern my life after its teachings.
When I was but a few weeks old I was in the last stages of pneumonia and the doctor gave me but a few hours to live. As a last resort my parents decided to call a Christian Science practitioner, and the next day the fever had abated entirely and not a vestige of the disease remained. From that time on my parents have been devoted Christian Scientists.
I have experienced healings of mumps in one week's time, also of sprained ankles, a torn ligament in a leg, sore throat, and several other minor ills. Through the knowledge that God is my intelligence and that man is made in the image and likeness of God, I have been able to make excellent grades through grammar school, high school, and college, and have never failed in a course or subject.