The constant desire and hope of the human race is for release of some kind. Many individuals are hoping for release from sin and sickness, from fear and worry, or from some unwholesome habit. Some are praying for release from poverty and limitation. Others are struggling for freedom from false belief in some supposedly hereditary condition, or from the results of mistaken educational systems which attribute power and reality to matter instead of to infinite Mind.
Christian Science informs each one who turns to it that permanent release from every form of bondage may be achieved through the spiritual understanding of man as the son of God. The Master, Christ Jesus, placed no limits upon the creator's willingness and ability to free men from every form of unhappiness and to bestow abundant blessings upon all. He said to those who believed on him—and his immortal statement is repeated by Christian Science—"If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Mary Baker Eddy, through her great spiritual understanding of God as divine Principle, Love, and of man as the true and spiritual expression of Love, has made it possible for each one to apprehend the message of the Master, and to participate in the glorious liberty of true Christianity. In her poem "Satisfied" she writes as follows (Poems, p. 79):