The five years in which I have been a student of Christian Science have yielded me a rich harvest in spiritual progress, with its accompanying physical healing. Mary Baker Eddy, through her textbook, has brought clarity out of my nebulous beliefs regarding God and existence. I have learned the truth of her words in Science and Health (p. 247), "Immortal men and women are models of spiritual sense, drawn by perfect Mind and reflecting those higher conceptions of loveliness which transcend all material sense."
Seeing this truth, I like people better and have found it easier to act in their interest and to forgive them when they would try to injure me. At school and in newspaper work, in which I am now engaged, my measure of understanding of Mind, Principle, has been a continual help. I have been most successful in my work when I have recalled that the issue is not with me, but with God, and that the most I can do is to labor, confidently and untiringly, awaiting whatever happy result ever-present Spirit has in store for me.
From the beginning, physical healings have attended my reading in Science. When I first began to read I was wearing glasses for all studying. For years I had been subject to headaches and eyestrain if I failed to use them; they had to be changed each year, and whenever an ophthalmologist examined my eyes he would remark that they were getting weaker. If I believe what I am reading, I said to myself, I no longer need glasses. It was incongruous for me to affirm mentally that what I read was the truth while my actions indicated that I did not have confidence in it. I decided that I would do without the glasses while I read Science and Health, and I found that I no longer missed them or suffered aftereffects from failing to use them. Within a few weeks it was a logical step to abandon them in all my reading, which I did; and I have since had no need for them.