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Testimonies of Healing

Twelve years ago Christian Science...

From the January 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Twelve years ago Christian Science was first presented to me. At this time I was in a very depressed state of thought over the passing on of my mother. A friend saw my need and asked me to try Christian Science, so I decided to see a practitioner, and one visit and talk with her helped me so much that I was healed of a physical disorder which had troubled me for fifteen years. The healing was so complete that not a trace of that condition has been experienced since.

At that time I knew that I had been helped, but did not understand Christian Science, so I really did not become interested to the point of wanting to accept it until four years later, when another condition arose and the physician could give me no relief. Then I turned to Christian Science for help and was healed in two or three treatments.

I wish to express my gratitude for these healings and for many others that I have experienced through the study and application of this wonderful truth. I have been healed of stomach trouble and nervousness, and have had many business problems solved.

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