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From the January 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christendom believes that God creates man. Its great need is to understand that God both creates and governs man.

When Christ Jesus came to rouse mankind to the existence and presence of the kingdom of God, Caesar ruled in Rome, and his kingdom included nearly all the civilized world. In the wilderness, devilish suggestion argued to Jesus, as it has to others, that worldly power is to be sought and prized. The tempter imaged to his thought "all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them," offering him dominion over them all if he would but worship material power. Instantly the Master met this temptation with the truth that man exists to worship God and to serve Him alone. Undoubtedly, Christ Jesus' sense of the singleness of law, power, government, was exalted and clarified in his overcoming. He had heard the whisper of the sense of material domination and had silenced it with spiritual sense.

The spiritual thinker knows that the Christ is here to perform the same high office today for individuals and nations. He knows that the divine idea of law and government cannot forever be denied full recognition and jurisdiction by every individual. Deity has written His law in real consciousness—the tablet of eternity. No earth scenes of mortality can displace His impress. "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts."

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