Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, says in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 164), "What is gratitude but a powerful camera obscura, a thing focusing light where love, memory, and all within the human heart is present to manifest light."
Christian Science came into my life when I was a young woman, and through its healing ministration destroyed the belief of frailty, which I had manifested since babyhood, and made me a normal, active person, able to take my place in the business world. The outcome was harmonious; but although I accepted Christian Science, I did not become a student until a few years later.
After my marriage, a most convincing proof of God's power was experienced when the physician, who had been called at the birth of a daughter, said he did not think the child was living. Very soon after this she was born alive and well.