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From the March 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

HOURLY, throughout the world today, healing through the study and application of Christian Science is taking place. On Wednesday evenings in almost every part of the civilized world, men and women rise to their feet and tell of remarkable and beautiful healings. In The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Heralds well-attested accounts of healing are published weekly and monthly, and innumerable healings take place that are not generally heard of. There is no longer any ground for doubt or question in regard to the healing efficacy of Christian Science. He who questions, does so because he has been unwilling or has had no opportunity to investigate the effectual operation of spiritual law as Christian Science reveals and demonstrates it. That Christian Science heals quickly and permanently even those which had been regarded as stubborn and apparently hopeless cases of sin and sickness, is being proved again and again.

In the days of Jesus, and for about three hundred years after his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, quick and powerful healings took place. Then this healing power dwindled and apparently was lost until the discovery of Christian Science restored the lost element of healing to a weary, sick, and sin-laden world. There is need today for keeping this healing active and progressive, that it may not again be lost to the world.

The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, writes in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 355): "Less teaching and good healing is to-day the acme of 'well done;' a healing that is not guesswork,—chronic recovery ebbing and flowing,—but instantaneous cure. This absolute demonstration of Science must be revived." In these words may be seen a far-flung challenge to students of Christian Science. The question may be asked, Why are quick and permanent healings not more general today? Perhaps there has been a too easy yielding to the suggestion that it must take time to solve a given problem. Perhaps apathy has entered into the work and a sufficiently positive stand has not been taken. Perhaps the excuses offered by mortal mind for work badly done, or left undone, have been accepted. Perhaps a false. sense of submission to error has been mistaken for righteous waiting upon God.

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