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From the March 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN Revelation we read, "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna." One who was endeavoring to gain a clearer realization of true substance made a careful and prayerful study of the foregoing Biblical promise. One definition of the word "manna" given by Webster is "divinely supplied food." This manna, or spiritual supply for all needs, is hidden only to the one who is thinking materially and looking to material ways and means for his supply. Christian Science is giving to the world the true understanding of God, thereby enabling all mankind to turn intelligently and confidently to Him for the supply of every need.

The finding of the hidden manna, or true substance, being promised to him that overcometh, one of the first steps in working out the problem of supply is to look within and see what we are harboring in our consciousness that is unlike the Christ. If one is tempted to believe that substance is material, or that real gain may be acquired by questionable methods, such beliefs must be overcome by the understanding of true substance. This substance is spiritual, and supply for all needs is made manifest in our experience as we reflect the qualities of God, Spirit. One who expresses love, kindness, hope, honesty, purity, and the desire to serve his fellow men is not unemployed. And such righteous thinking, persisted in, leads into right outward manifestations of activity.

Any belief of lack with which we are struggling is only a lack of seeing clearly the presence, power, and allness of God. Then, as we gain a clearer vision of God's allness, we search our thinking and rid it of that which would darken our consciousness. Selfishness, criticism, impurity, intolerance, and dishonesty obscure the hidden manna of spiritual abundance. Our primal need, then, is not to search for the manna, but to seek the understanding through which to overcome, and to look within to see and reject what in our thinking, our conversation, and daily life is obscuring our vision and withholding the promised manna from our experience. As purification takes place, abundance is made manifest.

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