READERS of Mrs. Eddy's writings are aware of her keen insight into national and international affairs, and of her clear interpretation of them according to the teachings of Christian Science. Her interesting and always reasonable attitude towards current events elicited many inquiries regarding her personal views as to politics. In reply to one of these requests Mrs. Eddy said (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany,p. 276): "I am asked, 'What are your politics?' I have none, in reality, other than to help support a righteous government; to love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself."
In its genuine meaning, politics is "the science of civil government," but in a lower import it refers to artful party intrigues in political affairs; or, to one's political sentiments. Mrs. Eddy had a very comprehensive knowledge of the Science of true government, and her political sentiments were of the highest excellence, as may be seen in her strong appeals for justice, equality, fair play, and for the individual's inalienable rights as a citizen of his country.
The cold selfishness of partisanship, the emoluments of office, the intrigues and costly paraphernalia of party politics, found no place in Mrs. Eddy's answer to the question, "What are your politics?" Reared with puritanic respect for rightly constituted authority, Mrs. Eddy had profound veneration for God's law and gave willing obedience to the laws of the land. As a citizen of a nation whose ideals of government were founded upon those righteous precepts which are embodied in the moral law and the Sermon on the Mount, Mrs. Eddy maintained that not only was it a just obligation, but a privilege and a precious trust to help support the high standard of justice and equality, such as is vested in the Constitution of the United States, which represents the nation's authority and power. In her spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, she has presented the concept of "righteous government" in a new light, and Christian Science demonstrates its adaptability to human needs by uncovering and correcting false impressions of government, and in healing disease, poverty, strife, and iniquity of every kind, all of which are hindrances to righteous living.