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From the October 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The stress of the past several years has brought problems to not a few pertaining to employment and supply. Many who have spent years in some line of business or activity have found themselves faced with the necessity of a change of occupation through no fault of their own. To some, this change has presented serious difficulties, often because of a sense of unpreparedness for other work, and in other cases because of a disinclination to give up familiar lines of endeavor.

Frequently those affected thus have found it necessary to overcome a sense of limited ability for any work except that of their previous occupation. Almost unconsciously they may have accepted the common belief, or tradition, that continued devotion to one line of endeavor leaves one unfitted for a new and different kind of work. The old and subtle argument about the difficulty of "teaching an old dog new tricks" has held many otherwise capable men and women in bondage until the belief has been broken through a broader vision of man and his capabilities, as revealed through the study of Christian Science.

How many persons, after years spent in some one line of work or occupation, have yielded to limited vision and restricted effort! How often have such as these given expression to their sense of limitation somewhat as follows: "I don't know what I should do if I were to lose this position." And yet, in some cases, losing that position might be the greatest blessing which could come to them. Dependence on a particular position or job can easily lead one into the mesmeric belief that this is the sole source of one's supply. So subtle and insidious is this argument at times that one is prone not only to accept the belief of limited ability, but also to lose sight of the real source of supply, which is unlimited and omnipotent Mind.

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