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From the October 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On one occasion, when Jesus was teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath, he saw a woman who appeared to be in a pitiable condition. She had, as the Bible states in the Gospel of Luke, "a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself." Undeterred by this evidence of sickness and helplessness, and knowing the eternal truth, Jesus said, "Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity;" and she was made straight immediately.

The truth through which Jesus healed this physical condition is as available today as it was then; and it is applicable to moral infirmity, to mental, financial, temperamental, or business infirmity, for Truth is eternally true. Jesus' words, recorded in the Bible, are therefore as instructive today as they were when he spoke them. His utterances reveal immortal Mind, God, as self-existent and eternally operative Principle, or everlasting Truth.

One might question how the scientific fact that the woman was freed from bondage could be broad enough to cover the many human weaknesses and imperfections. The answer is simple. The woman was freed through Jesus' understanding of the fact that God's man is never bound. In the reality of her being she was not bound to this or any other mortal experience, for God had not caused such a condition, and was not aware of it, neither could He bestow anything upon man the opposite of His nature. This truth, then, which Jesus understood and utilized, was scientific, entirely reasonable or logical, and available for this woman and for all others.

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