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From the October 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Jesus Christ went down a city street,
He walked as others, bore a human name,
Went freely in the crowds and talked with them;
His stature and his clothing were the same.
And yet, where he had been,
The suffering, the halt, the blind, the lame
Arose, singing aloud for joy when Jesus came.

When Jesus passed, how many only saw
Another man go by—and yet, to one
Blind from his birth the Master spoke, and lo!
The man was healed. A woman who had done
Great wrong was purified.
Through him pain left, lame feet again could run.
With Jesus came the Christ, God's own beloved Son.

A crowded city street in Jesus' time—
A street today, no difference! Each cries
For water in Christ's name, each needs his touch,
Each has its hungering hearts and pleading eyes.
And any city street
Could have its blind who see, palsied who rise
And walk, if Jesus passed, so loving and so wise.

Dear God, teach me to walk—
Not as a selfish mortal, passing thoughtlessly—
And, like the Master, heal those seeking Thee.

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