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From the October 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The most encouraging sign of the salvation of a storm-tossed and fearful world is the widespread and irresistible progress of the Christian Science movement.

The compelling growth of interest in this teaching shows an ever-increasing perception of and ability to demonstrate man's spiritual, God bestowed freedom from evil of every sort. And Mary Baker Eddy with great foresight and inspiration points to this far-reaching progress, on pages 94 and 95 of "Retrospection and Introspection." For there she writes: "In the first century of the Christian era Jesus' teachings bore much fruit, and the Father was glorified therein. In this period and the forthcoming centuries, watered by dews of divine Science, this 'tree of life' will blossom into greater freedom, and its leaves will be 'for the healing of the nations.'"

What tremendous comfort, confidence, and courage we can derive from this angelic message in these stirring days! At a time when so much fear of and belief in evil is being brought to the surface in human thought, how altogether reassuring it is to realize that this prophecy is even now being fulfilled, and that "the healing of the nations" is indeed taking place. For the very fact that error is so rapidly being brought to the surface is a certain indication of its being uncovered for destruction. And we can confidently know that, even in the midst of distressing conditions of poverty, unrest, and sickness, presented by the physical senses, the spiritual understanding of man's true relationship to God is spreading the healing and liberating truth, leading men to the life-giving divine Principle.

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