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Testimonies of Healing

It is with sincere gratitude that...

From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony of the benefits received through the application of Christian Science.

We had been studying Christian Science for a very short time when our small son, then three years old, became very ill, and not knowing a great deal of the truth of Christian Science we were very fearful and sent for a child specialist. He made four visits and at the end of that time I asked him if he really knew what the trouble was, as the child seemed to be very weak and could not retain food or even water. He assured me that he did not know, but said that we could try a different powder, which he left with me. However, instead of giving it to the child I threw it into the fireplace and immediately telephoned for a Christian Science practitioner, who came at once. This was at two o'clock in the afternoon, and she stayed until four. During this time the child rallied and asked for a drink of water, which was given to him. He retained it and asked for more, which seemed very wonderful to me after he had not had anything for four days.

We were very happy at even that improvement; however, when the practitioner left she assured me that all was well, and that she felt sure we should have a very happy Christmas Day. This was the day before. She had been gone only about ten minutes when the little fellow sat up and started to sing. On Christmas morning he was able to ride a new tricycle all around the house; and although he was very thin he was entirely well and happy. We were certainly most grateful for this proof of healing, also to the practitioner for her wonderful knowledge of God and for all the love she expressed to me.

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