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Testimonies of Healing

Many years ago I walked out of...

From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many years ago I walked out of the office of a well-known oculist in the Middle West with these words ringing in my ears: "I have fitted you with the best glasses available for the present condition of your eyes; there is no guarantee that these glasses will last you any certain time; they will have to be changed frequently and each time stronger lenses will be required, and there may come a time when even the most powerful will be inadequate." My consciousness became so filled with fear and foreboding that the new glasses brought only pain and blurred vision.

That night I attended a Christian Science testimony meeting. I had often gone before with my mother, who had had a healing of stomach trouble, but I had not paid much attention to what was going on. The first man to testify said: "For many years I have worn glasses. They were changed frequently, but none of them were ever right. I finally drifted into a Christian Science church, liked the services, and took treatments from a practitioner, and was healed. That was many years ago, and my vision has been good and no glasses are necessary." In my state of mind those words contained priceless promises. The next morning I went to a practitioner's office. The healing did not come quickly or easily; the years of false education as to what constituted vision, eyesight, eyes, nerves, muscles, and the weight of material laws believed to be true and inevitable kept me in bondage for some time. Finally the correct understanding was gained, through the study of the works of our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. With the Concordances all references were studied which pertained to the case. It was observed that in the proportion that the thoughts entertained were based on spiritual facts, the vision cleared. Satisfactory vision was finally obtained when the realization came into my consciousness of the truth of the statement made in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," on page 379 "The real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind, controlling every effect and recognizing all causation as vested in divine Mind."

In addition to this healing and many other physical demonstrations, I am very grateful for the help received in business through spiritual ideas, which have been successfully and practically applied in the solution of complex problems. —

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