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Testimonies of Healing

When a very young girl in high...

From the August 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When a very young girl in high school I attended my first Christian Science lecture and instantly recognized the logic and obvious correctness of the truths there presented. My parents had been devoutly religious, and their entire lives were governed by a beautiful faith in and love of God, and I was very grateful to be able to reconcile my natural religious sense with this new presentation of God as divine Principle, Love, Truth, Spirit.

Mrs. Eddy has written in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p, 19),"He who has named the name of Christ, who has virtually accepted the divine claims of Truth and Love in divine Science, is daily departing from evil; and all the wicked endeavors of suppositional demons can never change the current of that life from steadfastly flowing on to God, its divine source."

In looking back over the past twenty-one years, I am indeed grateful to see that the current of my life, while at times seeming to cease flowing onward even as a stream seems to idle in level places, has, nevertheless, been steadfastly holding to the one course, and my experience has been in some degree "daily departing from evil."

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