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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude for...

From the October 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me.

Over four years ago I was supposedly in a very serious condition. I was employed in a large midwestern city, living in one of the suburbs. My physicians said that if I took a good long rest I might gain sufficient strength to continue working, but that I could not expect to get well. I obtained a leave of absence, and was away resting for three months, when it became necessary that I return to work, although my condition was only slightly improved. After working a few weeks it seemed I did not have the strength to carry on, so I went back to the physicians, and they said to me, "There is only one thing left for you to do, and that is, sell your home in the suburb and move into the city near where you work, and by doing this it may be possible for you to continue working for some time." After consideration, my wife and I decided that rather than immediately sacrifice our home at a forced sale I should move into the Y. M. C. A. near where I worked, going home week ends only. I did this for about three months with no apparent improvement in my condition, but the arrangement enabled me to continue working.

One day my employer said to me, "I have been watching you for some time, and you are going downhill; if I were you I would take up Christian Science." He further stated that he was not a Christian Scientist, but that he had seen some wonderful things which Christian Science had accomplished. I told him I knew nothing about this Science, but that I was willing to do anything, for I knew I was beyond the help of mortal man.

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