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From the October 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Among the many important truths indicated in the Bible, there are two which may be mentioned as being fraught with deep significance for all mankind: first, that God is the only Life, or Mind; secondly, that man, the image and likeness of God, reflects and expresses this eternal Life, or Mind.

In the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy has clarified all questions relative to God's true nature and man's relationship to Him. She has also made it quite clear that all beliefs about man as being mortal and material must eventually give place to the understanding and demonstration of man's true spiritual selfhood, reflecting and expressing God, who is man's only Life. Those who, with unbiased thought, study this textbook in connection with the Bible, usually are deeply impressed with the clear logic which it presents, also with the high idealism which Christian Science inculcates.

Through divine logic and demonstration, Christian Science reveals man as being eternally coexistent with God. God is Spirit, as the Bible declares; therefore man, created in God's image and likeness, must necessarily be spiritual, that is, he possesses by reflection the nature and qualities of his creator. It should be obvious that so-called mortal man could not be endowed with the divine nature. What are termed mortal man and material existence are illusions of false material sense, the Adam-dream of life and intelligence in matter. There is neither life nor intelligence apart from God, for God is All-in-all. Christian Science interprets God's allness; and demonstrations made in Christian Science are just in the degree of one's understanding of His allness, and of the consequent nothingness of all that appears to be mortal and material.

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