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From the October 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science, as discovered, taught, and demonstrated by Mary Baker Eddy, is revealing to the world today the practical nature and value of true spirituality. Mrs. Eddy has much to say in her writings about practical Christianity. It is her constant plea that Christian Science be recognized as Science, that it be lifted out of mere theory, intellectual reasoning, or philosophical speculation, into the vitality of spiritual apprehension and consequent demonstration. Jesus was, admittedly, the most spiritually-minded man ever known. He was at the same time the most practical. He was continually conscious of the fact that he partook of that Mind which is practical enough to maintain the universe in its stately, invincible order, under the immutable law of Spirit. Possessing, as he did, an exact knowledge of spiritual law, Jesus exercised dominion over the illusions of the senses and brought into the experience of himself and others the harmony of the spiritual facts of being.

It is impossible for the materially-minded to see this practical nature of spirituality. As St. Paul has said: "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." Only as there is resurrection from false material beliefs to spiritual understanding of divine facts does the practicality of spiritual thinking become apparent. Spiritual thinking is intelligent thinking, which springs not from worldly wisdom, business efficiency, or intellectual proficiency, but which subordinates these to its own omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. It supersedes worldly so-called wisdom and unfolds the unerring wisdom and power of the divine Mind, which is its source. This intelligence accomplishes desired and necessary ends, when limited human vision turns aside and says, "Impossible!" Spiritual thinking is based on Truth, and Truth is always more practical than the lie. Spiritual thinking occupies itself with spiritual facts, never with false material beliefs. Any business or undertaking whatsoever, consecratedly conducted by spiritual thinking, is founded upon a rock, against which the floods of error beat vehemently in vain. The effort to maintain this effectual quality of spiritual thinking is sometimes met with the protest: "Yes, that is true, but we must be practical. We must face the facts." One need not be dismayed by this demand of mortal mind. Knowing the complete adequacy of spiritual law to destroy any counterfeit law, he can remain poised in Principle and ultimately bear witness to the uninterrupted activity of divine Mind.

As long as the superstitious belief in materiality seems to exist, the belief in matter substance, matter business, matter supply, matter health, the illusions of fear, sickness, and lack, will seem to be stubborn facts; and these illusions are the "facts" we are asked to face. Then, let us not be disturbed. These so-called facts are not to be either ignored or feared. They are scientifically to be reversed, and the real, spiritual, and invincible facts, which the illusions of sense would seek to hide or pervert, are to be faced, apprehended, and brought to light. When, for example, we acknowledge, face, and spiritually discern the fact of the unimpeachable health of man, the expression of God, the illusion of a sick mortal disappears, and the divine activity of Mind expressing itself in its own perfection appears. This appearance is experienced as healing. When as members of a Christian Science church we acknowledge and spiritually discern the spiritual, established fact of Church which is to be reflected in individual living, the illusion of a sick, depleted, apathetic human organization will be displaced by the active, healing Christ-consciousness of Church, in all its harmony and abundance. Gladly, then, and with confident courage we face facts and see them outshine the illusions of sense testimony.

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