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From the October 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, spoke with prophetic vision when she wrote in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 83): "Science only can explain the incredible good and evil elements now coming to the surface. Mortals must find refuge in Truth in order to escape the error of these latter days." Today, many people are seeking and finding refuge in the understanding of Christian Science.

In the present chaotic state of the nations, the gross elements in human nature are being stirred to their depths. The apparent resistance to good which mortal mind assumes to possess, is vaunting itself in what appears to human sense as material force, leaving in its path destruction and ruin. However, in the light of Christian Science we perceive that evil, with its seeming power, is unreal. So-called material forces have no power but to destroy themselves. When all belief in a power opposed to God is destroyed, evil will be found to be impotent. Christian Science, understood, destroys faith in and fear of evil, and offers a sure refuge from the destructive elements of mortal mind.

Every claim of mortal mind that life is subject to destruction hinges on the assumption that man is material, and can therefore be destroyed by material laws. When, through the study of Christian Science, we learn that the real man is spiritual, that he is the offspring of Spirit, that he is governed by spiritual law and held forever in his true being as God's own image, we can readily see that our real safety lies in seeking refuge in Truth, in the understanding of the omnipresence and omnipotence of God. To know, as Christian Science teaches, that there is but one Mind and this Mind is God, and that in this Mind all being is harmonious and indestructible, is to free oneself from the belief of chance, accident, or danger. To "find refuge in Truth" is to forsake the false foundation of life in matter.

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