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From the August 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"God has built a higher platform of human rights, and He has built it on diviner claims." These arresting words by Mary Baker Eddy on page 226 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" are followed by another remarkable statement: "These claims are not made through code or creed, but in demonstration of 'on earth peace, goodwill toward men.' "

What are commonly called "human rights" appear to be chief among the demands of the human race. Throughout the centuries mankind has fought for these rights, striven and struggled for them. Many, feeling that the struggle is useless, being overwhelmed or burdened by the vigorous efforts needed to achieve this goal, have become resigned to let things take their course. The truth of divine justice, as taught in Christian Science, alone can give mankind that definite sense of security and peace so greatly needed in the world today. Christian Science reveals the infallible manifesto of infinite Mind.

It may be asked. What are human rights? Some may think these rights are to benefit a few, and that they mean the gaining of power and authority to dominate and control. One individual may think another stands in the way of his acquiring these so-called human rights, and may endeavor to check his growth or progress. But the law of God is universally available. As recorded in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus said, "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail." What a wealth of power, confidence, and assurance is established in the Master's words, for all who trust in God's law and government! Christian Science demonstrates and fulfills the prophecy of the Master's words and works.

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