In our acknowledgment of God as infinite is found deliverance from that which is unlike God. What blessings there are in store for us as we enlarge our concept of Him and His completeness and perfection, and of man as His complete and perfect reflection, created, sustained, and protected by His spiritual law and subject alone to Him!
"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Like the star of Bethlehem which led the Wisemen to the child Jesus, centuries ago, this simple yet profound admonition from Proverbs includes a bright and certain promise of guidance toward spiritual understanding. What if mortal mind conjures up thoughts of fear and anxiety, of bewilderment, doubt, frustration, and impending disaster! Are such thoughts any part of eternal Mind? Have they any power to disturb or to upset those who cling steadfastly to the allness of God? No, they have no power whatever to disturb or upset an acknowledgment of the true, spiritual nature of tranquillity and peace.
As did Daniel in the lions' den, and the three Hebrews in the midst of the fire, we can know the truth in the midst of aggressive and persistent error, and thereby free ourselves from belief in its seeming power. We can admit this possibility because it is assured by the highest authority, the authority of divine inspiration and revelation. Christ Jesus said. "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."