On page 29 of "Unity of Good" our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, says, "There is but one God, one Soul, or Mind, and that one is infinite, supplying all that is absolutely immutable and eternal,—Truth, Life, Love." The student of Christian Science is learning that there is no finite soul or souls, but that Soul is God, infinite and indivisible. Soul is never in matter, but is incorporeal and transcendent, wholly apart from materiality and never affected by so-called laws and changes of matter. Soul is ever undying and undimmed, the imperishable source of all reality, spotless, perfect, pure, eternally providing His matchless creation with all beauty, grace, and freshness. Infinite purity knows no evil, no element of impurity, decay, or decadence.
Soul maintains forever all spiritual ideas, and the individuality and identity of all is untouched, unchanged, unfallen, unharmed throughout eternity. Soul is forever unfolding its own perfection in man, and therefore Soul and its reflection, man, are one and inseparable. The real man is the emanation of God, Soul, and, since Soul is infinite, man has never had any other being, has never known anything but constant purity. The suggestions of a supposititious mortal mind can never alter this eternal fact, and since there is but one Mind, God, man is eternally one with God in perfect being.
This absolute truth about the unity which exists between God, Soul, and His idea, the real man, is no impractical abstraction, nor is it merely a state of being to which we may attain at some future time after passing through the experience called death. It is, in spite of mortal evidence to the contrary, man's real and eternal state of being, and furthermore this truth is now and always practical and demonstrable in human affairs. Truth, received into suffering, unhappy human consciousness, dispels the grim illusions of mortal thought, and thus breaks the delusion of a supposititious material existence. Truth is the tender, compassionate Christ coming to humanity, healing, saving, regenerating, uplifting mankind to clearer and more spiritual views of God and man.