For a number of years, painful attacks had been visiting me with increasing frequency, attended with an ache in the vicinity of the stomach. After suffering all one night with pain that had lasted for three days, I asked a member of the household to call a Christian Science practitioner in another city who had helped me before. The answer came: "Have no fear. Go to bed and try to get some rest." I obeyed and fell into a sound sleep, from which I awakened refreshed and free from pain. Within a few hours several small stones passed from me. This took place about eight years ago, and I have never felt discomfort of that sort since.
I am indeed grateful for the practitioners who have helped many times to restore harmony in our home. Warts, boils, colds, and scarlet fever are some of the discords that have been overcome. Also an improved sense of place and supply has been demonstrated. A beautiful healing of a sense of separation came after a loved one had passed from our sight.
I am grateful to have lived where I might attend church services and lectures. Gratitude fills my heart for all the benefits that Christian Science affords its followers, through the unselfish efforts of its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, and of those who have carried on since.— Warren, Ohio.