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From the May 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It appears from the Gospel narratives that Peter and his wife lived in Capernaum, and that they shared their home with his mother-in-law, for it is recorded that Jesus healed her of a severe case of fever—a cure so swift and so complete that she at once arose from her bed and proceeded to minister to the needs of the Master and those who accompanied him (Mark 1:21, 29-31).

Although he did not travel as constantly as did the Apostle Paul, Peter journeyed to various parts of Palestine and Syria, while an ancient tradition credits him with having visited Rome itself.

During the Master's ministry, Peter had been one of the three apostles privileged to be present when Jesus raised from the dead the young daughter of Jairus; while at a later date this apostle had an opportunity of proving for himself the practicality of the Nazarene's command that his followers should "raise the dead." While visiting Joppa, on the seacoast of Palestine, Peter received an urgent call to visit the neighboring town of Lydda, where a kindly and generous woman, known to the Jews as Tabitha, and to the Greeks as Dorcas, had fallen sick and died. Following the example of the Master in the case of Jairus' child, Peter swiftly banished the mourners from Tabitha's room, and when he turned to God in prayer she was quickly restored to life (Acts 9:36-41).

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