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Testimonies of Healing

For some time I had been wondering...

From the September 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For some time I had been wondering why Christians did not heal the sick today as in olden times, but my immediate reason for seeking spiritual healing was that a relative had been given up to die by doctors. After talking it over with my mother I decided to investigate.

Hoping to find some reference to healing, I searched the local daily paper, and found the advertisement of a Christian Science church service. At that time the advertisement included the address of the First Reader, and I decided to call and find out something about Christian Science.

The next day I had my first talk with a practitioner. I asked a great many questions. The practitioner read the ninety-first Psalm to me and the definition of "angels" on page 581 of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy.

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