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[Of Special Interest to Youth]

From the March 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Young girl who was serving in a soldiers' and sailors' canteen found it quite difficult to maintain her poise in facing many of the situations which confronted her during her weekly voluntary service. Most difficult of all were the problems of keeping human relationships within proper bounds and of maintaining a right perspective. Also the necessity of remaining for hours at a time in smokefilled rooms seemed to her a complicated problem. She had attended the Christian Science Sunday School for a year, so she decided to confer with her fellow pupils and with her teacher on how best to meet the conditions.

The following incident was related to her: A group of Christian Scientists was visiting a motion picture studio where a "short" was to be filmed. Upon entering the studio, the director told the group that a member of the cast was in the habit of using obscene language. Immediately a member of the visiting party declared that nothing impure, inharmonious, or unholy could enter consciousness, and quoted the following inspiring Biblical passage (Rev. 21:27): "There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, ... or maketh a lie." During that entire morning the individual in question did not utter one obscene word.

This illustration of the power and effectiveness of good brought much inspiration to the young student, and later she was able to tell her friends that through the spiritualization of her own thought she had been enabled to overcome the belief in error's reality. Then, during the ensuing days at the same canteen, she was led into some beautiful companionships and friendships with those who valued and appreciated her understanding of God and of Christian Science.

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