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[Of Special Interest to Youth]

From the March 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The oft-repeated notion that grass always grows greener on the other side of the fence illustrates the erroneous supposition that God, infinite good, is not always everywhere at all times. All that really exists is God, divine Mind, and His idea, man, neither of which is limited or localized. Nowhere is there a corner on good, for good is God, the everywhere available All-in-all.

In this day of faithful and courageous service to God and country, many are tempted to believe that they could serve more effectively if they were in another place. Perhaps a young man or woman may feel that he or she would be happier, better protected, or more useful or successful, if only a promotion to a higher rank or a transfer to a different branch of the service could be obtained. But these and many other disquieting suggestions of error are powerless to obscure our vision of the real work to be performed by us all—that of joyously recognizing and expressing the ever-present, healing, and saving ideas of God, good. Regardless of where we are, whether in active service, in the workshop, at home, or at school, we are all divinely commissioned by God to be ambassadors for Christ, representatives of God's spiritual, eternal nature.

In our daily study of the Bible Lessons in the Christian Science Quarterly we learn that the solution to any problem that may present itself to us lies in spiritualization of thought, in replacing the fears and illusions of false material sense with the true and perfect, the vitalizing and freeing, ideas of God, unfailing good.

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