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From the March 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was on a Sunday morning just prior to the Christmas holidays that a teacher in a Christian Science Sunday School observed that the little girls in her class were unusually restless. She endeavored to quiet this undercurrent of excitement by having them read sections of the Lesson-Sermon. But they lacked their usual interest and spontaneity. For a moment a feeling of dismay came over the teacher, for she seemed unable to cope with the situation. So while the children read aloud from the Bible and the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, she turned her thought to God for guidance and humbly asked that the error which was trying to thwart the purposes of good be uncovered. The familiar words of Christ Jesus came to her thought (Matt. 18:20), "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Almost immediately, one of the little girls in the class closed her Bible with an air of finality and a look of determination spread over her bright little face as she calmly remarked: "We were talking about Christmas trees before you arrived. Can't we skip the Lesson today and talk about Christmas trees instead, please?"

The teacher, although a bit surprised, showed no displeasure at this challenging question. Instead, she smiled. So that was the subtle error that had tried to disrupt her class! She had prayed to have it uncovered; the next task was to destroy it. This would not be difficult now because she knew that the Christ, Truth, was "in the midst of them."

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