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From the March 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So sweet the mellow sunlight of the day.
Lovely the glimmering silver of the night.
Yet sun and moon and stars shall fade away,
Lost in the glories of Thy wondrous light.
So glad the face of earth, with flower and tree
Shining in beauty from each woodland place,
Wide gracious rivers flowing to the sea,
Yet these but faintly mirror forth Thy grace.

In all the loveliness of earth and skies,
Beauty of winter dawns, wonder of spring.
We glimpse a radiance that hidden lies,
Hear other music when the blackbirds sing.
Dear God, we thank Thee for Thy glories bright.
Hinted to us through all these lesser ways,
Till we, beholding with a purer sight
Thy perfect beauty, shall perfect our praise.

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