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From the March 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

An English king once expressed the opinion that the chief difference between a lawyer and a layman is that the lawyer knows where to go to find out what the law is, and the layman does not. He was thinking, of course, of man-made laws. You and I, and every individual, must sooner or later come to understand and exemplify the basic laws of life. Such knowledge is natural and essential to the harmony of our existence, which can never be apart from law.

Law, is not in books—is not in paper and ink. Law is alive. Law inheres in Mind and Life, and that is where we all can find it.

Human laws of democratic nations are mental forces, the collective judgment of the majority of the people, acting through their representatives, defining how individuals and groups should act. In undemocratic nations laws are the will of a minority, one or a few—a forceful mental edict prescribed for the many.

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