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From the March 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Today it is being conceded by many thinkers, sincere searchers for Truth, that existence is primarily mental, though by this admission the materialist finds himself faced with the dilemma of thinking from two opposite postulates, one material and one mental, and trying to reconcile them. Granting the premise that existence is mental, it becomes plain that only from a right basis of thought, from one true premise, can life become harmonious, purposeful, and satisfying.

Christ Jesus lived from the premise of one divine Mind and revealed through his works the nature and power of that Mind, which is the Principle of life. Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and revealed the Science of that Principle, on page 18 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" says, "Jesus acted boldly, against the accredited evidence of the senses, against Pharisaical creeds and practices, and he refuted all opponents with his healing power."

What were his opponents? What but the arguments of that mind which in the eighth chapter of St. John he defined as "a murderer from the beginning," a liar, and the father of lies, the one evil. Now this so-called mind, which in itself is a myth, claims to be a creator, and with its falsities apes or attempts to reverse the creation of Spirit, the one good. This mythical mind creates its man after its own false concepts and argues for those concepts on the basis of life, substance, and intelligence in what it calls matter— matter being its own objectified falsities. This mind makes manifest its man as a physical body, a person, having a mind of his own, faculties of his own, feelings of his own, and a will of his own over which he has little or no control. This man becomes the victim of his own false concepts, argues in favor of them, and seeks help for his ills from that which causes them. These arguments always take place within their own realm of falsity, never in the realm of Truth. In the light of reason and revelation of spiritual, scientific facts, the inconsistencies and falsities of these arguments are clearly seen.

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