I am deeply grateful that when I was a very small child my mother was led to Christian Science and almost immediately placed me in the Christian Science Sunday School. During those years, I did not realize all the good which was being given to me, and which I was storing up for later use. When I see how Christian Science has met every need, gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for her work wells up from the bottom of my heart.
My first need was for health. As a child, I was considered sickly and could never go outdoors on rainy days. But Christian Science lifted that ban by destroying fear, and I was allowed to run and play with other children. At the age of twelve, I was healed of pneumonia. The healing came instantly while the practitioner was reading aloud to my mother the Bible story of the raising of Jairus' daughter.
When I went away to college I began to rely on my own understanding for the first time. I learned many new lessons and found much joy in being a part of the Christian Science organization. Then, by relinquishing my own plans and letting God show the way, I was led to attend a business school. At the completion of the course, there was a position waiting for me. And six months later, when it did not seem that I should be able to stay in that place much longer, an even better-paying one was presented.