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Testimonies of Healing

I am deeply grateful for Christian Science

From the June 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am deeply grateful for Christian Science. It has met my every need. To me, one of its greatest blessings is its constant unfoldment of truth. A healing of today can be the beginning of glorious unfoldment in the future, as the following experience illustrates.

About fourteen years ago, our young son had what seemed to be a serious organic disturbance. For over a week Christian Science treatment was given. By Friday of the second week, the practitioner handled the claim of death, as well as that of appendicitis. Finally, on a Sunday morning, a doctor was called in to make a diagnosis. He reported the need of an immediate operation, even though he gravely doubted its successful outcome. All through this Sunday morning, the calm sureness and peace of our home were undisturbed. While straightening the room where our son lay in bed, I was filled with a great wonder at this glorious freedom from fear in the face of what seemed to be impending chaos in our home. I remember suddenly saying to myself: "This, then, is the substance of God! This calmness, peace, and surety of God's presence is substance."

Less than a half-hour after the doctor had left, the decision was made to continue with Christian Science treatment only. The words to this effect were hardly spoken when our son called to me in a normal voice. On going to him, I found that the fever was gone and he had been instantaneously healed. He was back in school in two weeks' time, and had regained his former weight and more in less than a month.

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