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Testimonies of Healing

I was healed in Christian Science after...

From the June 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was healed in Christian Science after a long period of sickness with stomach and bowel trouble. Physicians I went to consulted with specialists, all available medicines and theories were exhausted, and at last I underwent a number of operations. Three months after the last operation I realized I was worse, not better, and insisted on the surgeon giving me his true opinion. He admittd that all had failed; that aside from the acute condition, not a single function of the body was manifesting twenty-five per cent of normal activity, and that I might live three weeks and I might live three months. His verdict plunged me into despair.

A friend came to see me who knew a little of Christian Science, and she advised that as I had nothing to lose, I should give Christian Science a trial. I did this immediately. In my first interview with the practitioner he said: "There is nothing to cry about. You have been depending on men. Now you have come to God, and you are going to get well." He turned me to the seventh chapter of Romans and lifted my vision to man's freedom from material law, which, he pointed out, had neither cause nor consent from God. He advised me to buy the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. he said that if one invested in something one always tried harder to get good out of it. I have always been grateful for this recommendation. He told me that if I sought at once opportunities to do good for someone else, not just sought good for my own personal welfare, I should see a quicker healing take place, and this also proved a great light along the way.

I bought the textbook and resolved that I would put as much effort into Christian Science as I had put into obeying the so-called laws of materia medica. The evening of the same day on which I first talked with the practitioner all fear of food left me, and I ate what I wanted. I had many proofs of the power of Truth that sustained me through the periods of suffering, during which I endeavored steadfastly to realize that I was God's perfect manifestation. I constantly read the New Testament, also the textbook and "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy. The healings of Jesus seemed to be aglow with light.

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