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From the June 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the conflict that is shaking the world, the church is being looked to for comfort and support. Already men have found that the spiritual qualities of faith in God and tolerance toward others need to be cultivated in both individual and national relationships.

Christian Scientists understand the necessity of demonstrating the presence and power of God, of eradicating the underlying causes of conflict and bringing forth a better understanding of God and of the brotherhood of man, that a richer sense of peace may be brought forth. The need is apparent. Christian Science alone supplies the answer. Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, foresaw the solution.

When, in 1901, Mrs. Eddy was interviewed by a correspondent of the New York Herald, she made it clear that "the continuity of The Church of Christ, Scientist, is assured." And she explained (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 342): "It is growing wonderfully. It will embrace all the churches, one by one, because in it alone is the simplicity of the oneness of God; the oneness of Christ and the perfecting of man stated scientifically." Two weeks later, Mrs. Eddy amplified her views for the Associated Press, stating (ibid., p. 347), "What remains to lead on the centuries and reveal my successor, is man in the image and likeness of the Father-Mother God, man the generic term for mankind."

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