When an electric light bulb is screwed into its socket and receives the electric current, it instantly radiates light in all directions. When the individual, through understanding prayer, realizes something of the living oneness of man with the All-God, his Truth-enlightened thought reaches far and wide, improving human consciousness.
Mortals have been educated to think of man as a temporary human personality whose life is embodied in a physical body and circumscribed by a variety of limitations and inhibitions, physical, economic, and educational. They have come to believe that their selfhood is pretty much fenced in and weighed down by influences which restrict their power for accomplishing good to a comparatively small area and to a relatively few people.
Christian Science reveals that this is not the fact concerning man. It is the opposite of the fact—the fiction. Evil is recognized as the opposite of God, good. And men need to perceive that the limited, temporary, material concept of man is evil's opposite concept of man—the material mind's misconception of the divine fact. The real man is the highest and mightiest concept of God. John calls him the son of God, and Christ Jesus reminded us of man's great power, "power . . . over all the power of the enemy" (Luke 10:19).