I should like to express my gratitude to God for the many blessings that have come to me from the study of Christian Science. I have read the Bible, and Science and Health and other writings by Mrs. Eddy during the past thirty years. I have experienced many healings, one of which I should like to tell.
One Saturday evening in February, 1943, I fell on the ice, injuring my wrist. I said nothing about it that night, but declared the truth that God is All and man is God's image and likeness. At that time I was living in a home the members of which were not interested in Christian Science. Much concern was expressed because of the condition of my wrist. The day after my fall, I called a Christian Science practitioner who worked for me, and helped me to see the child of God as perfect. The family doctor, who visited this home once or twice each week, wished to examine my wrist, and upon doing so declared it was broken. The family urged me to have an X ray taken, for the doctor said that unless it was set, the wrist would be crippled. On the following Wednesday, two X-ray pictures were taken which plainly showed three fractures in the wrist. An appointment was made on the following Saturday for me to visit an eminent bone specialist to have the wrist set.
In the meantime I called on the practitioner, telling her of the appointment. The practitioner very lovingly told me to have no fear, that since man is the reflection of God, good, there was nothing but good for the doctor to see. Saturday afternoon the specialist told me, after a careful study of the X-ray pictures and an examination of the wrist, that the bones were in their right place and knitting, and that there was no need to set them or put the wrist in a cast.