He walked with God; the first
Of all the patriarchs thus to know
The divine presence. Did he stand
At evening in the dusk, and looking up
Into the vast and starry dome of heaven,
Commune with Principle, and see
The harmony and ordered beauty
Of His plan? Did he in midnight hour
Pace the rough flagstone court
And battling with false claims of sin and death
Feel His dear nearness, know
His mighty strength and power,
And healed and comforted, lie down to rest?
And in the dawn's clear brightness
Did he rise to feel the light of Truth
Break in his heart, and spreading wide,
Send out a warming glow of hope and joy?
All these he must have known
Even as we who feel His love
In Truth's triumphant hour; who know
The Comforter at hand to save and bless,
Who prove His power and humbly walk with Him.