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From the April 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

According to Christian Science, infinite Love and its idea, man, coexist in all harmonious perfection. There is no God sent affliction, or evil. All is good. How, then, one may ask, does affliction appear? If there is no evil, there should be no appearance of evil.

A clue to our answer may be found by considering the work of an airplane pilot. Among the many things he must do before taking off is to check the wind direction and velocity. If he does not do this, he may be blown far off his course. Suppose a pilot who has learned this rule neglects to check the wind, thinking it a calm day. He takes off on a flight over unfamiliar territory, and later finds himself nowhere near his destination after the time ordinarily required for the hop. He has been flying in a strong cross wind. Confident that he has been flying the correct course, he suddenly realizes that this confidence has been falsely placed, and that he has been neglecting to follow the correct rule.

The pilot then has to put aside this careless sense, and avail himself of the scientific way to find his position in order to come safely home. Such an experience does not make the pilot lose confidence in the rules of navigation. Rather does he learn not to listen again to suggestions of mental laziness.

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