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From the April 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

And Hagar, cast out of the tents of Abraham,
With her child
Wandered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba.
And presently the water in the bottle was spent,
And Hagar, despairing, cast the child under a shrub to die,
And lifted up her voice and wept.
Then an angel of God called unto Hagar out of heaven:
"Fear not, O Hagar,
"Arise. Lift up the lad and hold him in thine hand."
So Hagar's eyes were opened; she saw a well of water,
And filling the bottle, she gave the lad to drink.
And God was with the lad.

O mother of today, are you wandering in a wilderness
Of loneliness, doubt, despair?
Is your child, perhaps, in some far desert of mortal sense,
Or on the seething sea of human strife?
Then listen, and you too will hear the angel message:
"Fear not. Arise, and lift up the child."
Lift up your thought to behold the perfect man of God's creating.
Spiritual and eternal.
Hold thought steadfastly to this true concept of man.
Then your eyes shall be opened to see the well of water—
The truth of the oneness, the inseparability of God and His
idea, man.
And filling consciousness with this sustaining truth.
Give the child, and all mankind, to drink.
So shall God be with the child, and with you.

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