I was taught the Scriptures (see the Church Manual, Art. XX, Sect. 2) in Christian Science Sunday Schools from the age of three to twenty. I rejoice in this fundamental groundwork, and am grateful for all the practitioners and for the Sunday School teachers and officers who have so lovingly led me forward in this truth.
I have had many healings and witnessed many more through the application of Christian Science. In my infancy I had a remarkable healing of a difficulty with my eyes and nose. Mumps, diphtheria, a nervous breakdown, boils, and many so called children's diseases were met and overcome through Christian Science treatment. The real test of my faith in this precious religion came after I was married. I needed then really to study and practice the truth instead of merely accepting the work of practitioners.
We have two children, who know what Christian Science healing is. They have had healings of mastoiditis, chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, colds, and dispositional tendencies. The second child was born at home, with only a Christian Science nurse in attendance, as the doctor did not arrive until a few moments later. The birth was most harmonious, and I wish to express here my sincere appreciation to the practitioner who worked before and after the babe was born.