When considering how to solve any problem, the student of Christian Science turns confidently to the writings of Mary Baker Eddy and finds therein the perfect law of God which Jesus elucidated in his teaching and demonstrated in his healing work. Mrs. Eddy, an obedient follower of the Master, has brought to the world through her discovery of Christian Science the spiritual truths of the Scriptures, the understanding of which enables us to apply in a practical manner the teachings of Christ Jesus.
It is apparent from Bible study that Jesus' thought was never lowered to the model which was the determined pattern of mortal thinking. Whatever the condition or problem presented to him, his reasoning and method of treatment were always contrary to the expectation of mortals. Divinely guided and increasingly reflecting the Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5), Mrs. Eddy was inspired by God to present the second appearing of Christ, Truth, through the discovery of Christian Science.
That Mrs. Eddy held her thought steadfastly to the high ideal of Spirit is evidenced by the remarkable healings she effected and by her writings, which glow with the light of spiritual inspiration. The establishment of The Mother Church and of the Christian Science movement on a world-wide basis is proof that our Leader never lost sight of the inspired revelation of Truth which was bestowed upon her, and which she was prepared to reveal to and share with all mankind.