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From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE discovery of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy has brought to light the fact that the creative function of Deity, divine Mind, is a ceaseless, knowing activity and that creation is the formation of that knowing—an infinity of divine ideas. Mrs. Eddy declares in her book "No and Yes" (p. 16), "For God to know, is to be; that is, what He knows must truly and eternally exist." And on the same page she adds: "He who is All, understands all. He can have no knowledge or inference but His own consciousness, and can take in no more than all."

This great truth brings to mankind a new and fresh understanding of creation. It explains man as the effect of God's knowing, forever inseparable from the consciousness which gives him being. It reveals him as wholly dependent upon Mind's knowing for existence, for individuality, for unfolding experience, and for continuity of good. It is this divine knowing that perpetuates man's usefulness, determines his health, secures his perfection, and seals his immortality as the expression of eternal Life. If divine Mind should forget its idea, or object, that idea would cease to exist, would disappear. But God, being flawless Mind, never forgets. What He knows, he knows forever. Hence his support of man is changeless and eternal.

Christian Science reveals that it is the mighty impulsion of Mind's knowing enunciating its allness and the presence of its perfect ideas that rouses humanity from the mortal dream of life in matter and causes mankind to cognize the spiritual creation of God. Divine Mind's powers of intelligence penetrate the ignorance of mortals' believing, forcing them to acknowledge the falsity of any concept unknown to God.

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