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From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE fabric of man's individuality becomes apparent in human experience in proportion as we gain the true idea of God, as revealed in Christian Science, and realize that man reflects in countless combinations all the spiritual qualities of divine Principle, Love, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Life. In other words, man's individuality, spiritual, perfect, and complete, begins to appear in human experience as we admit into consciousness the Christ, or spiritual idea of sonship, and strive to live the revelations of this ideal. In the words of a hymn (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 51):

Life, Truth and Love the pattern make,
Christ is the perfect heir;
The clouds of sense roll back, and show
The form divinely fair.

Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated the fatherhood of God, although he expressed without measure God's motherhood, for no one has manifested the womanly qualities of love, compassion, intuition, inspiration, gentleness, and the like better than he. Mary Baker Eddy revealed God as Mother, and while she expressed the qualities of motherhood, she also expressed in a very high degree such manly qualities as wisdom, strength, and courage in meeting the world's opposition to her great discovery and to the founding of her Church and its activities. In these two great religious teachers we see the loveliness and beauty, the grandeur and nobility, of the compounded Father-Mother qualities demonstrated in individual experience.

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