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From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

GOD is cause. The entire universe is the effect of this divine and only cause. How comforting to know that there is nothing present in heaven or earth that has power to oppose, hinder, or render imperfect what God creates! How joyous to prove that man lives and moves and has his being in God! Yet mankind allows his thought to be obscured by listening to the false testimony of physical sense, which testifies that man is corporeal or material.

Christian Science shows us how to nullify mortal mind's erroneous claims by keeping thought and desire closely attuned to Truth and Love. The light of spiritual understanding, which the study of this Science brings, dispels the darkness of doubt and fear. As our consciousness is illumined by this light and we listen for divine guidance, the temptation to believe in the reality of either pain or pleasure in matter is overcome. We learn to prove, step by step, that nothing can interfere with our demonstration of God's ever-presence or hinder the establishment of His kingdom on earth. Mary Baker Eddy tells us (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 173), "If Mind, God, is all-power and all-presence, man is not met by another power and presence, that— obstructing his intelligence—pains, fetters, and befools him."

The writer once observed some boys and girls playing a game they called "Wasted Motion." Two blindfolded players were led into a room completely bare of furniture and stationed against opposite walls. So-called helpers whispered about chairs, tables, and other pieces of furniture supposed to be placed about the room. Then the players were instructed to work their way across the room to the opposite walls. They were warned that if one touched a chair, or any other object of furniture, he would forfeit the game.

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