TODAY as in centuries past, impersonal evil in its various disguises is challenging the right of Christianity to survival. Today's warfare appears to be between political philosophies, but that is only its surface disguise. Underneath it is the age-old strife between material force and spiritual power; the conflict between materialistic concepts of the nature of man and the scientific truth of man in God's likeness. The adherents of the doctrine of materialism preach and practice their beliefs with an intensity which should arouse all thinking Christians to greater consecration to spiritual activity. For the challenge of materialism will be met, not by mere pious sentiments, tremulous religious fervor, or human planning, but by the dynamic power of spiritual understanding.
This struggle of erroneous belief with truth the Apostle John saw centuries ago from the Isle of Patmos, and, divinely inspired, he depicted in the book of Revelation the glorious triumph of righteousness through the power of Spirit, God. In his messages to the seven churches of Asia Minor (chapters 2 and 3), in symbolic imagery, he exposes the phases of erroneous thinking which would darken thought to the Christ-consciousness, becloud the understanding, and thwart progress Spirit-ward. These errors are as aggressive today as in the early days of Christianity, and this Biblical passage sheds great light on the Christian's individual and collective need to be alert to them.
The message addressed to the church of Ephesus rebukes the loss of their early spirituality. Had they in their worship turned to works of magical arts and charlatanism? Today, midst disturbing world conditions, more than a blind faith and lip service is also required; more than reliance on material means, if the true concept of healing is to persist. And that church will stand whose adherents are obedient to the divine command of the Master and prove their faith by their works.