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From the June 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Deep-Seated in the heart of humanity is the tendency to postpone good and to labor under the illusion that the future holds more harmony and joy than can be enjoyed in the immediate present. Mankind goes on hoping and waiting for better jobs, healthier bodies, more congenial companionship, happier home circumstances, and so forth, as if activity, health, love, and contentment were something external to man's real identity.

Since real good is already included in God's idea, or spiritual man, it is vain to look outside true selfhood for any desirable circumstance or thing. No more of spiritual good will be available tomorrow, or the next hour or minute, than is at hand right now. Should one not, therefore, stop waiting for more harmony to come into his life and claim, instead, the divine blessings already at hand?

In the third chapter of Exodus it is recorded that God said to Moses (verse 5), "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." Right now man stands on holy ground because he is always in the presence of God, inseparable from good. Is not this fact cause for deepest reverence and gratitude, and should not its realization eliminate postponement of the enjoyment of our highest hopes?

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